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adsilent system for grand pianos

adsilent system for grand pianos

SKU: 9003
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Developed by Andreas Dütz (25 years of experience in developing silent systems for pianos) and a team of experts in Japan and Europe, adsilent is the best you can get on the market for retrofitting silent systems for upright and grand pianos.

The European adsilent system comes with the installation manual (5 different languages) for the piano technician or piano dealer. This system can be installed in few hours in your workshop, piano store, or at the customer home.

Main features:

- Adsilent system is manufactured with a selection of higher quality materials and is therefore more robust and delivers better performance than other retrofit systems.
- Adsilent comes with a 5 year manufacturer's warranty and offer very good customer support for all kinds of questions.
- Adsilent can be easily advertised to your customers with brochures in German, French, English, Italian and Dutch.
- Adsilent is the choice of high-quality piano manufacturers such as: Fazioli, Sauter, Seiler, Steingraeber, Petrof, in Europe also Boston/Essex and several others.

The adsilent grand piano system is available with two different kits:

- Standard version: The mute rail is similar to the steel mute rail for upright pianos. The difference is that it is fixed to the belly rail (where the damper action is located).

- Let-off expansion system: The let-off expansion system is an add-on device for the belly-rail mounted grand mute rail. It changes the let-off distance only when the mute rail is activated. With mute rail deactivated, let-off and hammer drop remain unchanged.

Click here to see the adsilent brochure.

For additional informations about Adsilent, please visit:


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Please note that our business hours are (Eastern Time):
Mon-Thu: 8h00-17h00
Fri: 8h00-16h30

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Pianos Bolduc, manufacturer of fine piano components, maker of specialized tools, and major piano re-builder distributes parts and supplies for piano technicians and rebuilders around the world. This catalogue has been specially designed to serve piano technicians, re-builders, and manufacturers. For technical advice, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail (